Monday, 4 February 2013

Analysis of school newsletter

Deyes High Newsletter Analysis

For the preliminary task for my preliminary task before i complete my Music Magazine i am going top create a school news letter. To do this i have looked at exsiting newsletters to see what they do well and not so well. When looking at the Deyes high 'Deyes of our lives' newsletter im am not very impressed. this is mainly due to the layout, colours and overall appearance. firstly when looking at the coloours used they do not look very aesthetically pleasing. I say this as on the front cover they have used a blue text box with a red outline, these are two very prominant colours and when put together are more of a strain on your eyes as they are very bold and do not work well. The colours are also very bright and make other aspects of the page look inferior to the main heading. the main heading is in yellow this does not go well with the blue and red as they clash.

the newsletter is also very text based, the news letter is filled with large chunks of text. i do not see this as very good as it means that whole pages go with no visual aid, i see this as a bad design as it looks very boring and uninteresting and with this image people are most likely to lose interset and not read the entire section. The whole newsletter is text based i would recomend that more pictures should be put in
 to relate to the topic such as if a sports paragraph is being spoken about it should be a picture of say a person scoring goal. The font on the main page and throughout the newsletter is calibri in size 14, this is big enough to read, however this is not the best as it is quite formal and would not appeal to the younger pupils in the school.
however tyhe information is pragmatic as it is relevant to all pupils teachers and parents so it can be understood by the whole audience. I also like how at the end they have a puzzle that people can try to complete, this is a good way of making ther newsletter seem fun.
Finally i have come to the conclusion that the main audience for this newsletter i the parents of the pupils, ibelieve this as fromn experience pupils are not realy ionterested in school news wheras parents are more concerned with the goings on in school as they want to be informed.

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