After looking at the Deyes high newsletter 'deyes of our life' and analysing colour, layout and font i have come to the conclusion that the main target audience for a school newsletter is the parents of the pupils. i have come to this as it is very informative and parents are more likely to read the newsletter to find out school news and what is happening such as dates for events etc.
From analysing the newsletter i have decided that pictures for visual aid are required as they break up the page and keep people interested for longer. they also make the page look more relaxed instead of just a page of text. I also believe that some sort of puzzle is a good idea as it means that it may appeal to the students more. Also from analysing the newsletter I have seen that fonts play a big role as they sort of make the atmosphere of the booklet as if it is to formal (such as times new Roman) it can appear boring were as if it was less formal (such as ) it may be easier to read and more enjoyable.