Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Music magazine photoshoot edited
On this photo i did ot edit anything in or out as i did not feel it to be neccessary. to edit this photo i simply edited the contrast and brightness. this will be the front cover for my music magazine.
On this picture i also edited the contrast and brightness, however also edited out some white marks on the rock at the bottom using the spot healing tool. I also slightly cropped the image so that the eye is focused more on the people. I will probably use this image in my double page spread.
Monday, 15 April 2013
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Fonts for music magazine

This is the font and title i am going to use for my music magazine cover. i have chosen this font from the website i chose this font as i feel that it has a rough fabric feel to it and most indie musicians are resembled by the clothing that they wear. this may also be the title font that i use throughout my magazine on pages such as the contents page.
this is the font that i am going to use for the side stories on my front cover. i have chosen this for the rough effect that it gives.
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Friday, 5 April 2013
Thursday, 28 March 2013
photoshoot requirements
- acoustic guitar
- electric guitar
- amp
- trees in background
- lydiate abbey (ruined church)
- Matty Fawcett (Guitarist)
- Emma reston (singer)
- Emma harvey (back up singer)
Monday, 25 March 2013
Pre lim photo 3
On this photograph i have used clone stamp to edit out the chair in the background. I have also adjusted the brightness and the contrast.
Saturday, 23 March 2013
Possible names for music magazine
Unknown: I would consider this a good name for my chosen genre indie rock as there are many unknown indie rock bands or artists that are not known by many people. Also people who consider themselves indie are usually separate from mainstream and are considered as unknown as their life style is not what the public sees as normal.
Underground: I would consider this a good name as well because my target audience is the type of person who goes to small gigs in places such as basements or in small clubs 'underground'.
Friday, 22 March 2013
Preliminary task: Final outcome
This is the front cover for my preliminary task of creating a school newsletter. for my front cover i went with more of a magazine style cover which gives it a more stylish look. i have also only used one photo, i have done this so that it does not overwhelm the audience when looking at it and it looks less crowded and more spacious.
This is my preliminary task contents page. i have used more than one Photo on this as it gives a quick insight into the contents of the the letter. I have decided to overlap the photos to give a sense of depth to the page.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Pre lim photo 2
from this photo you can clearly see that i have removed the car from the centre of the image. I have done this as it make the school look more tidy and presentable. i have also slightly adjusted the contrast and brightness of the picture ths has made the picture look sharper and more vibrant. i have used the clone stamp tool to remove the car. however i did find this difficult as i had to find background for each part. I will also probably use this image as my front cover photo.
Pre lim photo 1
For this picture i decided to us the spot repair tool to remove some writing from the page and some marks from the table and fire proof mat. i have done this to tidy up the surroundings and to make the pisture look more real by it looking like he is actually writing on the page.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Target audience for music magazine
When I image my target audience I imagine them to be in the age range of 18-20 and a student. I expect them to be interested in smaller mostly unheard of bands who play in small gigs in small venues or basements. I also see them as a musician mainly being an acoustic guitar. They are also the type of person who enjoys going to festivals and following smaller bands around. I see them as 'indie' as they dont go anywhere without their iPod and have it full with unheard of songs from unheard of bands or up and coming bands just starting out.
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Preliminary Task: First thoughts
After looking at the Deyes high newsletter 'deyes of our life' and analysing colour, layout and font i have come to the conclusion that the main target audience for a school newsletter is the parents of the pupils. i have come to this as it is very informative and parents are more likely to read the newsletter to find out school news and what is happening such as dates for events etc.
From analysing the newsletter i have decided that pictures for visual aid are required as they break up the page and keep people interested for longer. they also make the page look more relaxed instead of just a page of text. I also believe that some sort of puzzle is a good idea as it means that it may appeal to the students more. Also from analysing the newsletter I have seen that fonts play a big role as they sort of make the atmosphere of the booklet as if it is to formal (such as times new Roman) it can appear boring were as if it was less formal (such as ) it may be easier to read and more enjoyable.
Monday, 11 March 2013
My Genre choice
I have chosen to base my music magazine on the music genre indie rock. i have chosen this as i enjoy bands such as mumford and sons. I can also think of many ideas that i can do that will put across this genre effectively.
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